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Mr. Pan
Hongtaiji Flame retardant
No. 160 Kinglong West Road,Ge Keng Xia Che Gang Village,HengLi Town,Dongguan City 523000,Guangdon

ABS resin additive flame retardant technology

  • source:admin
  • Release date:2018-01-27
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Halogenated flame retardants as ABS important flame retardant system has the advantages of high flame retardant efficiency, affordable, variety and so on, but the halogenated flame retardant in the flame retardant ABS resin, it will release a lot of black smoke and toxic gases . In order to improve the flame retardant efficiency, it is usually necessary to use antimony oxide as a synergist. Halogenated flame retardant systems include chlorine-based flame retardants and brominated flame retardants, brominated flame retardants than chlorine-based flame retardant flame retardant high efficiency. Brominated flame retardants account for most of the halogenated flame retardant systems.
① Chlorine-based flame retardant system: Chlorinated flame retardants (CFRs) include chlorinated paraffin and methyl pentachloro stearate, which are mainly chlorinated paraffins with high chlorine content [1] , But poor thermal stability. Commonly used with antimony trioxide to improve thermal stability, such as chlorinated alicyclic hydrocarbons and tetrachlorophthalic anhydride. At present, chlorine-based flame retardants to chlorinated wax -70-based, due to the chlorine -70 non-polluting, high purity, good thermal stability, but the production of this product is smaller, with the synthesis of contaminated reagents.
② brominated flame retardants flame retardant high efficiency, wide range of applications, good stability, affordable, to meet the requirements of flame retardant ABS resin, and brominated flame retardants have sufficient raw materials, the production process is mature and so on. However, brominated flame retardants in the flame retardant process will produce a lot of smoke, toxic and corrosive gases, when antimony oxide as a synergist, will produce more smoke. The main brominated flame retardants produced in our country are polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDPO). PBDPO decomposes into highly toxic and carcinogenic polybrominated dibenzodioxins (PBDDs) and polybrominated dibenzofurans (PBDF), resulting in the development of brominated flame retardants have been restricted.